ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (ICAR-CIBA), Chennai is the nodal research institute under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Govt. of India, to provide technology backstopping for the sustainable development of brackishwater aquaculture in India. Shrimp production is the major farming system in brackishwater aquaculture sector in India with a production of 8.20 lakh tonnes with an export earning of Rs.40,000 crores per year. CIBA has been working on technological support for system and species diversification, breeding and seed production of shell and fin fishes, cost-effective feed processing, soil and water quality management, surveillance, development of prophylactics and therapeutics for economically important disease pathogens, capacity enhancement, analytical services and technology dissemination. Shrimp farming is technology and inputs intensive production system. Shrimp is a delicate animal and requires optimal rearing conditions for its better survival and growth without any stress. ICAR-CIBA has already developed and launched CIBA ShrimpApp to enhance the capacities of the farmer/end-user on shrimp farming. The farmer has to follow better management practices and monitor the inputs, water quality and behaviour of the shrimp to ensure successful crop. Therefore, CIBA Shrimp Krishi has been developed for the purpose. Through this mobile application the farmer can record all the day-to-day farming operations from day one to harvest and monitor the farm efficiently. The app will provide the survival, FCR, biomass, expenditure incurred and alert the farmer whenever deviations are noticed in water quality, FCR and animal health. Further, the farmer can share his farm data to his consultant or a scientist for technology advisories.